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Welcome to film screening



Idea, dance, chorography and edit: Marika Renhuvud

Film: Jonathan Ederlöf

Music: Samuel Törnqvist

Where do you go when you no longer recognize the weather around you? 

When everything you knew is changing, and you cannot see where that change will take you?


Traveling people. Juhtijh. 

The word describes a people that are always on the move. 

With the weather. 

With the land.


We are people who share our home. 

With the animals in the mountains. 

The trees in the forest. 

The water divided into seas and rivers.


This is a tribute to the heritage of the land with a humble request to stop taking her for granted.

Gidágiesse - Vårsommar.JPG


Project manager, choreographer and dancer: Liv Aira
Sound and music: Gustaf Nygren
Yoik and composition: Elin Teilus
Film and color scheme: Sami Maldonado
Editing: L
Studio Recording: Rickard Åström
Costume: Lise Tapio Pittja

Gidágiesse is the first part of a dance film series about the eight seasons.

The year begins when the first calf is born. A time of waiting and anticipation.

The time when seeds become buds and buds become flowers. The ice and snow melt, turn into streams and rapids. In the middle of anticipation, we are met by a reality, do we accept it or do we have the strength to fight against it, let the power of spring-summer take over.

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